Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well today hasn't been the best day. This day in Jackie Land, the mood swings have taken over. And darn the everlasting headache! I need a nap more than anyone could imagine. And poor Matthew. He's been such a good sport. Thank GOD for my fantastic husband. Despite the fact that he has no idea why the heck I'm on the verge of tears every two seconds, he continues to support me.
Besides, how is he supposed to know what is the matter if not even I know what the on earth is wrong with me?! It seems the closer I get to "labor day", the more my emotions seem to take over and play Russian Roulette with my sanity.

Maybe it's just a combination of all the discomfort and frustration with not feeling "normal". Yes, I know. Everything I'm feeling is normal for pregnant individuals. HOWEVER, I would love to be back to feeling like a normal NORMAL individual. No migraines, no constipation, no shortness of breath, no waddle-walk, and no extra facial, back and tummy hair! My razor can't take it anymore! And that's not even half of it. But I take comfort in knowing that I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy journey. Although, I'm hoping the "baby blues" don't swallow me whole when my handsome son joins the party. With positive thinking, I'm sure I'll be able to avoid them. Lord knows I don't want to keep torturing my husband with craziness! All he wants is for me to be happy and for us to have a happy healthy baby. That's all either of us want.

We can't wait to meet our son. I'm sure as soon as I see that beautiful face I'll feel 100 times better. But until then, we're pushing through! And Matt - I love you! Thanks for putting up with my hysteria. I know you think I'm psycho, but really - I promise I'm the same person you married (in disguise at least). HA!

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