So after a short stay at the hospital, one night to be exact, we were able to take baby Caleb home. Let the shenanagans begin! As would be expected, we got no sleep the first night because we were so paranoid! Every coo and snort put us in a panic. We are slowly getting used to his various noises. But he never fails to surprise us with something new. I think we've already made too many calls to the pediatrician asking her if certian noises and sniffles are normal. Looks like we are going to be high maintenance parents, constantly needing someone to tell us we have a normal low maintenance baby.
As far as diaper changes go, having a baby boy presents a whole new bundle of challenges. Practicing with my niece didn't prepare for the obstacles presented to us. Not only did we have to worry about maintaining his circumcision health and umbilical cord - we also were constantly dodging the Golden Shower. Lesson learned, you can't dodge it. It will always shoot in a different direction. No one in the room is safe! First shot - daddy's face. Second shot - Jennifer's chest. Third shot - Caleb got himself in the face (poor thing). And our blinds have been sprayed on multiple occasions. We've decided that the location of our changing table is not the greatest. We are going to relocate it to another window-less wall in the nursery. We figure it will be easier to clean the wall than the window and window treatments. Not only that, but we've changed Lana a couple of times on that table and realized that when Caleb gets older he will try tear those blinds apart.
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